7 Essential Rules To Caring For Dental Implants
If you have acquired a new set of dental implants, or any other city, we know there was likely an entire manual that came with them; only figuratively speaking of course. The first time you listened to your dentist talk about implant care, we know you felt a little overwhelmed. We want to make taking care of your dental implants as easy as possible. That is why we are going to show a number of easy ways to take care of your dental implants.
1. Purchase A Specialized Toothbrush
Contrary to popular belief, you can purchase specialized brushes for your dental implants. These brushes are usually made of many bristles compacted into a small area. These make them small enough to reach your implants and make it easier to clean them.
2. Use Antibacterial Toothpaste And Rinse
Regular toothpaste works well to keep your mouth feeling clean and fresh for hours. However, they may not work well against bacteria, a primary enemy of dental implants. If you want to keep your implants clean and usable for years, switch to antibacterial toothpaste and also use antibacterial rinses after brushing. These can be purchased from a dentist or prescribed by your implant dentistry.
3. Stop Smoking
Smoking has a detrimental effect on your teeth. Not only does smoking cause discoloration, it causes plaque to build up and increases the risk of numerous oral conditions. As such, if you want your dental implants to last for quite some time, quit smoking.
4. Visit Your Dentist Every 3 Months
Despite your best efforts, there are numerous areas you will be unable to clean. However, do not worry too much as that is what your dentist is for. Schedule periodic checkups with your implant dentist to ensure that your oral health (including your implant), is great. If it is not, they will perform cleaning that will help bring it up to standard.
5. Floss Regularly
Despite a specialized brush with thin bristles, there will always be areas around your teeth it cannot reach. Flossing regularly helps ensure such areas remain clean and thus extend the life of your implants.
6. Use a Night guard
Use of a night guard may prolong the life of your dental implants. The night guard will protect from unnecessary wear or issues that may arise from teeth grinding, saliva shortage and other night time issues.
7. Maintain The Health Of Your Body
Diseases such as diabetes reduce your immune defenses in your mouth and medications treating other general diseases can decrease your saliva flow, which inhibits your body’s ability to defend itself against oral bacteria. Malnutrition such as sugary drinks and processed foods are also detrimental to your oral health. Your mouth and body are intimately related.
If You Are Looking At Long-Term Costs And Need Assistance
While we have provided 7 great ways to take care of your dental implants, Dallas residents should always ask their dentist for more advice. Always listen to your dentist and follow instructions to the letter.
Dr. Stewart will work closely with your dentist in creating a great, natural-looking result. The placements of both the titanium screw and the crown are of equal importance. He will discuss your options with you during your consult, and meet with your dentist to discuss your case.
Implants are successful when a solid relationship exists between the patient, the dentist, and theoral surgery & Maxillofacial Surgeon because all parties are equal partners in this process.
Read our FAQs on our policies, insurance participation and financing assistance for dental implants, and feel free to contact Stewart & Arango Oral, Facial & Implant oral surgeons at 214-269-1244.