Wisdom Teeth Generally Do Not Cause Many Problems.
So long as they come in right, are healthy and positioned well.
However, there are times when they can cause problems. For residents of Dallas, oral surgery is normally the best solution. But how do you know when it is time for wisdom teeth removal?
Here Is A Closer Look At 5 Easy Signs To Tell You It Is Time For Wisdom Teeth Removal.
1. You Experience Numerous Sinus Issues
While it may seem unlikely at first, the truth is that your wisdom teeth can lead to numerous sinus issues such as pain and congestion. At times, it may seem like it is the common cold but, if you have wisdom teeth, and the sinus issues become more profound, then it is likely time for them to be removed.
2. You feel Pain When You Bite
One of the biggest problems caused by wisdom teeth is pressure on other teeth. When these molars surface, they begin to push and put pressure on the teeth around them. As such, if you feel pain when you bite food, it may be caused by pressure from wisdom teeth and thus may require.
3. Cysts Form in Your Mouth
Sometimes, your new molars will have cysts around them. This causes pain and you may even see them when you look close enough. If you can see cysts around your wisdom teeth removal, then you may need to have them removed.
4. You Feel or See Inflammation
When wisdom teeth grow, they usually do so without any problems. However, there are times when the growth causes pain and usually inflame the area around the teeth. If the area around the tissue feels inflamed, try not to clean them. Instead, talk to your preferred Dallas area. Oral surgeons will likely be the recommended treatment.
5. Oral Alignment Work Begins to Relapse
Have you undergone corrective procedures on your teeth such as crown placement, braces or bridge additions? If you have, your wisdom teeth may cause them to go out of alignment. For example, if your teeth were fine for months after removing your braces, but feel your teeth are bending again, you likely require wisdom teeth.
Of course not all wisdom teeth need to be removed. But, all wisdom teeth should be evaluated. Because the best time for teeth removal is ages 16-18, around the age of 16, everyone should be seen by an Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon. Sometimes, the wisdom tooth situation is monitored over time. You should discuss the pros and cons to removing or keeping them.
Wisdom teeth removal is relatively routine procedure compared to other medical surgeries. If any of the above symptoms appear, then it is time for you to have your wisdom teeth removed as soon as possible.
For more information, feel free to contact for tooth extraction office Stewart & Arango Oral, Facial & Implant Surgery at 214-269-1244.